One of the benefits of utilizing 21thirteen design for your website design and website development solutions is we implement our 2113 FASTFLOW system, a website presentation system designed to appeal to every type of website viewer.
With the 2113 FASTFLOW system, we can convey everything you want known about yourself or your business. Here’s how we do it:
- There are three types of website users. Waders want information short and sweet; swimmers seek more clarification, but don’t want too much detail; and Deep-Sea Divers are serious consumers who will scrutinize every word.
- We appeal to every type of viewer with three levels of engagement. With Waders, we present to them the most important information up front, enough to get them to pick up the phone or make an online purchase.
Swimmers will see what Waders do, but will likely click on links. We use high-impact visual marketing techniques to evoke desire in the Swimmers to make contact with you or your business.
For the Divers, we give it all, presenting in-depth knowledge for evaluation and judgment.
All this, on the same website. - The 2113 FASTFLOW system will create attention, desire, interest and action in virtually anyone who is viewing or visiting your website.
21thirteen design has offices in NYC, Boston, Philadelphia and Northern NJ. Contact us at 646.808.0391 or visit for a FREE QUOTE!